C++ library for asynchronous and event-driven execution
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

223 lines
4.6 KiB

#include "../lib/runner.hpp"
#include "../lib/asynco.hpp"
#include "../lib/event.hpp"
#include "../lib/rotor.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <unistd.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace marcelb;
using namespace this_thread;
#ifndef ON_RUNNER
#define ON_RUNNER
runner on_async;
void sleep_to (int _time) {
promise<void> _promise;
timeout t( [&]() {
}, _time);
return _promise.get_future().get();
void promise_reject (int _time) {
promise<void> _promise;
timeout t( [&]() {
try {
// simulate except
throw runtime_error("Error simulation");
} catch (...) {
}, _time);
return _promise.get_future().get();
// ------------------ EXTEND OWN CLASS WITH EVENTS -------------------
class myOwnClass : public event<int> {
myOwnClass() : event() {};
int main () {
auto start = rtime_ms();
// --------------- TIME ASYNCHRONOUS FUNCTIONS --------------
* Init interval and timeout; clear interval and timeout
// interval inter1 ([&]() {
// cout << "interval prvi " << rtime_ms() - start << endl;
// }, 1000);
// interval inter2 ([&]() {
// cout << "interval drugi " << rtime_ms() - start << endl;
// }, 2000);
// interval inter3 ([&]() {
// cout << "interval treći " << rtime_ms() - start << endl;
// }, 3000);
// timeout time1 ( [&] () {
// cout << "Close interval 1 i 2 " << rtime_ms() - start << endl;
// inter1.clear();
// inter2.clear();
// }, 10000);
// timeout time2 ([&] () {
// cout << "Close interval 3 " << rtime_ms() - start << endl;
// inter3.clear();
// time1.clear();
// }, 2000);
// ------------------------ MAKE FUNCTIONS ASYNCHRONOUS -------------------------
* Put task directly and get returned value - it is not recommended to use it
// auto res1 = on_async.put_task( [] () {
// cout << "Jebiga " <<endl;
// throw string ("jebiga!!");
// });
// try {
// res1.get();
// } catch (const string except) {
// cout << except << endl;
// }
* Run an function asyncronic
// asynco( []() {
// sleep_for(2s); // only for simulate log duration function
// cout << "asynco" << endl;
// return 5;
// });
* Wait after runned as async
// auto a = asynco( []() {
// sleep_for(2s); // only for simulate log duration function
// cout << "asynco" << endl;
// return 5;
// });
// cout << wait(move(a)) << endl;
* Wait async function call and use i cout
// cout << wait(asynco( [] () {
// sleep_for(chrono::seconds(1)); // only for simulate log duration function
// cout << "wait end" << endl;
// return 4;
// })) << endl;
* Sleep with timeout sleep implement
// sleep_to(3000);
// cout << "sleep_to " << rtime_ms() - start << endl;
* Catch promise reject
// try {
// promise_reject(3000);
// } catch (runtime_error err) {
// cout<< err.what() << endl;
// }
// cout << "promise_reject " << rtime_ms() - start << endl;
* Nested asynchronous invocation
// asynco( [] {
// cout << "idemo ..." << endl;
// asynco( [] {
// cout << "ugdnježdena async funkcija " << endl;
// });
// });
// --------------- EVENTS -------------------
* initialization of typed events
// event<int, int> ev2int;
// event<int, string> evintString;
// event<> evoid;
// ev2int.on("sum", [](int a, int b) {
// cout << "Sum " << a+b << endl;
// });
// evintString.on("substract", [](int a, string b) {
// cout << "Substract " << a-stoi(b) << endl;
// });
// evoid.on("void", []() {
// cout << "Void emited" << endl;
// });
// sleep(1);
* Emit
// ev2int.emit("sum", 5, 8);
// sleep(1);
// evintString.emit("substract", 3, to_string(2));
// sleep(1);
// evoid.emit("void");
* Own class
// myOwnClass myclass;
// timeout t( [&] {
// myclass.emit("constructed", 1);
// }, 200);
// myclass.on("constructed", [] (int i) {
// cout << "Constructed " << i << endl;
// });
sleep(10000); // only for testing
return 0;