A library for MySQL that implements a simpler framework for MySQL Connector++
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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1 year ago
#include <iostream>
#include "../lib/mysql.hpp"
using namespace std;
int main() {
mySQL mydb("tcp://", "dinio", "H€r5elfInd1aH@nds", "dinio", true);
try {
sqlQA test_qa;
// id,user_id,zone_id,domain,record_type,auth_key,last_update,enabled
// test_qa.select().from("records").where("enabled = 0").limit(2);
// mydb.exec(test_qa);
// for (auto i : test_qa.result) {
// for (auto j: i.second) {
// cout << i.first << " : " << j << endl;
// }
// }
1 year ago
// test_qa.update("records").set("enabled = 1").where("domain = 'bitelex.test'");
// mydb.exec(test_qa);
// if (test_qa.executed) {
// cout << "Num rows affect " << test_qa.updateCatch << endl;
// }
// cout << "Num rows " << test_qa.num_rows << " num columns " << test_qa.num_columns << " executed " << test_qa.executed << endl;
// test_qa.insertInTo("records", "id,user_id,zone_id,domain,record_type,auth_key,last_update,enabled").values("'5',2,2,'www.bitelex.test','AAAA','jebiga',NULL,1");
test_qa.deleteFrom("records").where("record_type = AAAA");
// test_qa.update("records").set("enabled = 0").where("record_type = 'AAAA'");
cout << test_qa.cmd << endl;
cout << "Num rows " << test_qa.num_rows << " num columns " << test_qa.num_columns << " catch " << test_qa.updateCatch << " executed " << test_qa.executed << endl;
1 year ago
1 year ago
catch (const SQLException error) {
cout << error.what() << endl;
// catch (const string error) {
// cout << error << endl;
// }
catch (...) {
cout << "Jebi ga" << endl;
1 year ago
return 0;