A library for MySQL that implements a simpler framework for MySQL Connector++
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

147 lines
4.8 KiB

#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <chrono>
using namespace std;
using namespace chrono;
#include "../lib/mysql.hpp"
using namespace marcelb::mysql;
#include "../../asynco/lib/asynco.hpp"
#include "../../asynco/lib/timers.hpp"
using namespace marcelb::asynco;
int main() {
try {
MySQL mydb("tcp://", "dinio", "H€r5elfInd1aH@nds", "dinio", 10, periodical_engine::external);
// MySQL mydb("tcp://bitelex.ddns.net:3306", "dinio", "H€r5elfInd1aH@nds", "dinio", 5);
periodic mysql_maintenance ( [&mydb] () {
cout << "IZVRŠAVA SE ENGINE" << endl;
auto start = high_resolution_clock::now();
auto a1 = atask ( [&mydb] () {
try {
auto response = mydb.exec<int,string>("SELECT id,domain FROM records WHERE enabled = 1;");
cout << response.affected << " " << response.have_result << endl;
cout << response.rows << " " << response.columns << endl;
for (auto row : response) {
cout << get<0>(row) << " " << get<1>(row) << endl;
for (auto column_name : response.columns_name) {
cout << column_name << endl;
} catch (const string err) {
cout << err << endl;
auto a2 = atask ( [&mydb] () {
try {
auto response = mydb.exec<string,string>("SELECT zonename,auth_key FROM zones;");
cout << response.affected << " " << response.have_result << endl;
cout << response.rows << " " << response.columns << endl;
for (auto row : response) {
cout << get<0>(row) << " " << get<1>(row) << endl;
for (auto column_name : response.columns_name) {
cout << column_name << endl;
} catch (const string err) {
cout << err << endl;
auto a3 = atask ( [&mydb] () {
try {
auto response = mydb.exec<string,string>("SELECT username,email FROM users WHERE enabled = 1;");
cout << response.affected << " " << response.have_result << endl;
cout << response.rows << " " << response.columns << endl;
for (auto row : response) {
cout << get<0>(row) << " " << get<1>(row) << endl;
for (auto column_name : response.columns_name) {
cout << column_name << endl;
} catch (const string err) {
cout << err << endl;
// one by one
// try {
// auto response = mydb.exec<int,string>("SELECT id,domain FROM records WHERE enabled = 1;");
// // auto response = mydb.exec<int,string>("UPDATE records SET enabled = 1;");
// cout << response.affected << " " << response.have_result << endl;
// cout << response.rows << " " << response.columns << endl;
// for (auto row : response) {
// cout << get<0>(row) << " " << get<1>(row) << endl;
// }
// for (auto column_name : response.columns_name) {
// cout << column_name << endl;
// }
// } catch (const string err) {
// cout << err << endl;
// }
// auto a1 = atask ( [&mydb] () {
// try {
// auto response = mydb.exec<string,string>("SELECT username,email FROM records WHERE enabled = 1;");
// cout << response.affected << " " << response.have_result << endl;
// cout << response.rows << " " << response.columns << endl;
// for (auto row : response) {
// cout << get<0>(row) << " " << get<1>(row) << endl;
// }
// for (auto column_name : response.columns_name) {
// cout << column_name << endl;
// }
// } catch (const string err) {
// cout << err << endl;
// }
// });
// wait(a1);
auto end = high_resolution_clock::now();
auto duration = duration_cast<microseconds>(end - start);
cout << "-------------Izvršilo se za: " << (double)(duration.count() / 1000.0) << " ms"<< endl;
} catch (const SQLException error) {
cout << error.what() << endl;
} catch (const string error) {
cout << error << endl;
} catch (...) {
cout << "Jebi ga" << endl;
// sleep(600);
return 0;